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Whatsbazar is Coming Soon!

The easiest way to buy and sell products using just your phone or WhatsApp.

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What is Whatsbazar?

Whatsbazar is revolutionizing the online marketplace by eliminating the need for registration. Post and browse products effortlessly using just your phone number or WhatsApp.

No Registration

No Registration Required

Simplify the buying and selling process.

Wide Categories

Wide Range of Categories

From cars to electronics, find everything you need.

Secure Communication

Secure Communication

Connect directly via phone or WhatsApp.

Seamless Integration with WhatsApp

Leverage the power of WhatsApp to manage your transactions effortlessly. Our AI-driven chatbots ensure you receive the support you need, whenever you need it.

WhatsApp Integration

Efficient Listing Management

Manage your listings effortlessly with our AI-powered tools.

Easy Listings

Easy Listings

Allow sellers to create and manage their listings directly through WhatsApp with simple commands and AI assistance.

Inventory Tracking

Inventory Tracking

Keep track of available products and notify sellers when items are sold or need restocking.

User Friendly

User-Friendly Interface

Navigate our platform with ease. Our intuitive design ensures that both buyers and sellers have a smooth experience.

What People Are Saying

"Whatsbazar makes buying and selling so simple!"

– Jane Doe

"A game-changer in the online marketplace."

– John Smith